Equipment Leasing

Our focus is helping both established as well as young companies acquire or refinance new and used income producing equipment. Unlike conventional bank financing which can restrict your borrowing capabilities due to government regulation, leasing can help you access the credit you need.

Our Programs
New equipment – Most types are considered along w/ soft costs such as software and installation.
Used equipment – Typically hard asset value. Where the lease term is matched with the equipments expected useful life and its liquidation value.
Sale lease-back – Can help raise cash from your existing equipment or restructure your existing debt for increased cash flow.

Leasing can conserve your credit line and borrowing capacity. By reducing equity requirements, leasing can enhance your debt to equity ratio. When the transaction is structured as an operating lease your return on assets is enhanced, since the asset is not added to your balance sheet. Accounting administration is also simplified with the operating lease. Payments are treated as an expense, eliminating the need for maintaining depreciation schedules as well as principal and interest payment accounting entries. Tax advantages often make leasing less expensive than other forms of financing.

We take time to understand our clients business and the industry in which they operate. This personalized approach allows us to provide lease structures that are tailored to each client and streamlines the credit approval process. You can count on us to deliver timely approvals on terms that meet your needs. We consider lease requests up to $35 million with the typical transaction ranging from $350k to $8 million.

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