Accounts Receivable Financing

Your greatest asset on the balance sheet.
The largest asset of most providers is their accounts receivable, yet banks typically do not lend money on what the medical industry knows as "claims".
Regardless of how efficient your billing, collections and accounts receivable management department is, there is often a need for additional funds to improve cash flow for immediate needs, or capitalize on new business opportunities.

AlfaCapital Group has a solution for your financial needs. With our Accounts Receivable Financing Program you can have the use of funds that were previously unavailable. We can provide a quote based on your particular needs and in as little as two weeks restore predictable cash flow. Our program lets you get paid for services when they are rendered. No more waiting months.

First, we estimate the average, aggregate reimbursement value of your accounts receivable using your past billing and collection history. We then advance up to 85% of this estimated reimbursement at the time of each service and/or purchase. When the accounts receivable is collected, the advance amount is subtracted, the company fee charged and the balance is credited to you.

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